Ran world gs leveling guide
Ran world gs leveling guide

ran world gs leveling guide

Keep in mind that sometimes it doesn’t work perfectly but it does the job most of the time. Press it again, and they’ll come right back. Press Shift + F5 and everyone will hide away. Want better FPS while fighting world bosses? No problem, I’ve got a quick fix for that. It’s wonderful! When hiding the UI you will enter screenshot mode and you’ll be able to move the camera around and change the effects. Showing and Hiding UI and Quick Screenshot Mode! QoLUG3ĬTRL+U is the keybind you need to remember. Towards the very bottom you will find a list of Social Actions quests. You can also unlock more Social Actions by locating the appropriate quest by pressing and then click on Suggested tab. This way, if you never want to laugh, cry or hold a sign again, you can get rid of it this way. When you view the menu for Social Actions, you can change or delete the action phrase that activates it. Have you noticed your character likes to hold up a sign or laugh or cry whenever you spell certain words in chat? That’s because Social Actions have their own configuration.

ran world gs leveling guide

This is also found in Community > Social Actions. The second way is to open the main menu and search for Social Actions. Learn a lot in a little V : World Boss Timer, World Map Angles, Changing Add-ons anywhere, Copy and Paste Coupons!, Character swap location, Discover undiscovered nodesĭid you know you can perform social actions? You can access social actions in two ways.įirst way is you can press and then click on the icon. Learn a lot in a little IV : Transparent Background screenshots, hide notifications, Change Black Spirits appearance! Learn a lot in a little III : Find the residence you want, time stamps for chat, inventory organization Learn a lot in a little II : Quick slot tricks, quickly connect nodes, Find My Item Learn a lot in a little I : Quick server change, learn skills quickly, minimap size changes Black Desert 1 Minute Tips! (Official Pearl Abyss Tips).The Magnus: Shared Storage and "Quick Travel".Organizing your World Map to view what you want to see.Changing the font to Open Dyslexic or any other font.Getting on your boat / Summoning your boat.Knowledge is Power! (Press H) + Increase your Droprate %.View Family name instead of Character name in chat.Using QuickSlots for quick outfit change.Stop the Black Spirit Rage from accidentally activating.

ran world gs leveling guide

Showing and Hiding UI and Quick Screenshot Mode!.For example, if you want to search for 1.

ran world gs leveling guide

Since I cannot create HTML anchors with this editor, I have made an alternative to it because this guide is over 4,000 words and contains almost 40 images! Goodness! Press CTRL + F to open the finder and search for QoLUG and the number associated to the table of contents. I have provided a table of contents which can be clicked to visit different parts of this guide. However, many of these tips are transferable to console.


These tips are written for use with BDO on windows computers.

Ran world gs leveling guide